Dangerous ! : 2035 China will confront US fighter designs in the South China Sea

Foreign vision 2035 Global response in the era of precision munitions in the rush to restructure the Marine Corps from a global Force focused on uncertainties to a regional Force focused on single-threat certainty China Navy Marine Corps divested of many of the capabilities needed to fight and win today and in the future the magnitude of these divestments is reflected in the accompanying graph the multi-year gap between the divestment of equipment from the force structure and the logistics that currently needed and the arrival of proven new capabilities in insufficient quantity poses a

How China's Military Is Becoming More Dangerous By the Day | The National Interest

substantial risk to Homeland Security these cuts were made recklessly to self-fund future unproven capabilities although some future innovations may prove useful, unnecessary cuts will hurt negatively the ability of the Marine Corps to respond quickly responds effectively to global crises and contingencies and will come perilously close to contravening US law and the intent of Congress Foreign Title X US Code States in Part The Marine Corps will be organized in a manner that includes no less than three combat divisions and three air wings The Marine Corps will be organized trained and equipped to provide combined arms forces of the Fleet Navy and will perform other functions as may be directed by the President, the Marine Corps is in the process of undermine what over time has become the title X expectations of foreign forces in the Pacific.
China's new jet engine suddenly takes air combat in a whole new direction | South China Morning Post


Revenues are currently planned. The 3rd Marine Division will cease to be a combat division. Corps will be left with two combat divisions and a two-star administrative headquarters incapable of maneuvering combat formations in the traditional sense Cuts in infantry regiments and battalions Tank clothing and significant cuts in artillery and aviation seriously degrade Canon’s application effective combined arms in close and rear battles where winners and losers are ultimately decided simply s The Marine Corps and stated combined arms are no longer the central components of Marine Corps operations. The Marine Corps’ ability to perform other tasks as directed by the President will be significantly restricted by insufficient amphibious navigation.

China to send strategic bombers, fighter jets for war games in Russia | South China Morning Post
Inadequate maritime prepositioning and too few properly sized combined arms teams. Built around the Marine Corps, the Goldwater Nichols Act of 1986, among other provisions, elevated the Marine Corps to full-service proficiency within combatant commands, as envisioned, the services would organize, train, and equip the Marine Corps. forces and the combatant commander would integrate and employ them. Forces If an expeditionary forward operations concept basically ignores service competency by assigning and subordinating operating forces in the Pacific under a fleet commander with seemingly little or no coordination with the combatant commander, this approach precludes a more expansive role for marine forces. to meet combatant commander and Homeland Security requirements is a clear step backwards abroad, while acknowledging the paramount importance of the Pacific region and the fact that China will continue to challenge US security interests.

China accuses US of misleading public after aircraft clash | Al Arabiya English

With the US in the region and elsewhere, our vision is to restore maneuverability. take back the initiative and respond quickly and decisively to threats anywhere in the world ours is not a backward look it is a forward thinking approach that recognizes and appreciates the many and diverse security threats facing our nation in the century XXI an approach that leverages innovation and technology to ensure that US Marines remain capable of a global response Our vision is based on the following pillars

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