Foreign battles for the small solder salt mining town in eastern Ukraine between Russian and Ukrainian forces are reportedly still going on despite the Wagner group’s claim that it had seized Territory located near the besieged town. from Bachmann. In a statement on Telegram that Russia is losing a significant part of its troops in the clashes, heavy fighting for the city of Solder is ongoing in the outbreak of Danette The Russians continue to actively storm the city despite huge losses in personnel malier said the approaches to our positions are covered with the bodies of russian
soldiers only a very strong nation can fight so desperately with such a powerful enemy the head of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group says his units are in control of the city de soldar de danette that has been emptied by the fierce fighting of Wagner’s units took control of the entire territory of solar a cauldron has formed in the center of the city in which ur Wagner made Yevgeny Prigason, an ally of ur Vladimir Putin, said late on Tuesday that Russian news agencies reported that the capture of Soul Dar is the latest key target and In the war that has seen Moscow’s goals shift from capturing kyiv to liberating the separatists.
Territory analysts say a Russian occupation of solar power will not represent a major strategic gain in the war, but Russian officials are believed to be eyeing the region’s huge salt mines for their commercial value in the meantime, the Wagner group founded by Russian billionaire Yevgeni Prigisen in 2014 claimed to have taken control of Soldar but said pockets of Ukrainian resistance were holding out in the center Russia’s defense ministry said on Wednesday its airborne units had blockaded the city from the north and the south russian aerospace forces are attacking enemy strongholds assault detachments are fighting in the city igor konoshenkov a spokesman for the department told reporters Ukraine The US Army has denied claims by the Wagner group that it had captured a soldier.
The city is not under the control of the Russian Federation. Fierce battles are now taking place. the military command was now working on how to stabilize the situation with the maximum impact for the enemy and minimum losses for Ukraine the intensity of the battles near Bachmann can be compared with chiravati of the Second World War I added noting that the Russian forces are using a lot Soviet-era weapons and armored vehicles with some elements modernized in the conflict, our partners are providing us with more modern weapons, he said. The Institute for the Study of War is a US think tank despite Russian claims that the city has fallen and that Bachman is at risk of imminent encirclement,
prigason said on his Telegram Channel over the weekend that the mines in Bachman and Soul Dar would benefit Russia’s campaign in the war the weld and Bachman mine system, which is actually a network of underground cities, can not only house a large group of people at a depth of 80 to 100 meters, but also tanks and infantry fighting vehicles that can move through it, he wrote, referring to the network of salt mine caves and 125 miles of tunnel. everything is completely destroyed and thousands of people have been lost all the land near Soul Dar is on the corpses of invaders and scarred from blows this is what madness looks like said Vladimir Putin has told his government that the The situation in the areas of Ukraine that Russia says annexed was difficult in some places, but despite admitting the challenging situation, the Russian president also said that Russia had all the resources that were needed to improve life in the four regions.
fierce battles russian mercenaries ambushes ukrainian troops as the battle rages on in soledar
Ukrainian units that Moscow unilaterally claimed to have annexed in September, who is not showing up today as the battle for Dar alma in the nearby town of Bakmit continues to rage with Russia’s defense ministry saying Airborne units had now surrounded the town from the north and south, however, Ukraine has denied claims by the Russian mercenary group Wagner that its forces have seized control of the eastern mining town of weld saying that the fierce fighting in the area was similar to World War II. alien alien